Underwater Services

Involves specialized diving teams and equipment to perform maintenance and repairs on submerged vessels and structures, ensuring their integrity and functionality.

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Inspections and Surveys

Our team is trained to conduct thorough inspections and detailed surveys on small and large vessels to verify the functioning of both mechanical components and hydraulic systems. The results of these evaluations provide our clients with a prognosis of the adjustments, repairs, and corrective actions that should be taken in the short, medium, and long term.

Hull Cleaning

Hull cleaning involves the removal of marine growth, biofouling organisms, and sediments that accumulate on the underwater surface. This helps reduce water resistance, which in turn improves the speed and fuel consumption of the vessel. Additionally, regular hull cleaning also helps prevent corrosion and deterioration of the vessel’s paint and coating.

Don't let mechanical problems stop your business productivity. Trust in our experience in naval and industrial repair and maintenance

Propeller Polishing

Similar to hull cleaning, propeller polishing is ideal for maximizing the performance of the propulsion system and keeping the vessel in optimal navigational conditions.

The frequency of this service may vary depending on factors such as the type of vessel, the environment in which it operates, and the overall condition of the propellers.

General Repairs

Within the term «general repairs,» there is a wide variety of tasks that can be carried out throughout the vessel. These include the repair of structures and metal components (hull, support elements, and piping systems), as well as the conditioning of electrical, propulsion, and safety systems, including fire suppression systems and communication systems.

These repairs are necessary to correct any damage or wear before it leads to poor performance, breakdowns, or dangerous situations in emergencies.

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Corozal Processing Zone, Building 400. Panama City, Panama

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